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L.O.S. Cerkno d.o.o. Coated bullets for sports shooters Slovenia

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L.O.S. Cerkno Arms and ammunition production d.o.o. produces quality components for loading ammunition. We are particularly focused on producing: copper plated, monolithic and coated bullets....... Preberi celoten opis
  • monolitne krogle
  • komponente za strelivo
  • strelivo
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Platiševa ulica 37, 5282, Cerkno Navigiraj

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Coated bullets for sports shooters Slovenia

L.O.S. Cerkno Arms and ammunition production d.o.o. produces quality components for loading ammunition. We are particularly focused on producing:

  • copper plated,
  • monolithic and
  • coated bullets.

When you want to buy coated bullets for sports shooters, contact us.

Coated bullets for sports shooters Slovenia

Coated bullets for sports shooters Slovenia

Long-term presence on the market enables us to cooperate and have good business relations with various recognized companies and manufacturers, as well as a good reputation.

We are the number one manufacturer and seller if coated bullets for sports shooters in Slovenia. We offer a wide range of high quality products, and are very happy to work with different companies, spread our knowledge and invest in innovative machinery.

Coated bullets for sports shooters in Slovenia are one of our best selling products, made of high quality materials, are reliable and crafted according to legal standards.

Coated bullets

Coated bullets are a type of ammunition where the base bullet is covered with a layer, usually coated in specific types of metal. This coating has several functions and benefits that 

Coated bullets from our production are suitable for:

  • sports shooters,
  • army,
  • the police.

When purchasing coated bullets for sports shooters, we will be happy to offer support from qualified experts and help you choose the quality components you need and answer any questions you may have.

Coated bullets for sports

Best ammunition and coated bullets for sports purposes in Slovenia

We are the number one company if you're looking for a business partner that is both cooperative, reliable, professional and adaptable. We believe that communication is key, that is why our partners and customers choose us over and over again for the production and sales of coated bullets for sports shooters in Slovenia.

  • Competitive prices,
  • modern technology,
  • Expertise
  • The use of quality materials is our main feature.

Coated bullets for sports shooters in Slovenia are available in our company. If you need any other products or have a question for us, please call us at the listed contacts and we will be happy to help you.

coated ammunition

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